Monday, 7 April 2008


Well here is the duck. I understand one is practically obliged to take a picture of a duck with one's camera gear, so here is my first attempt.
Lots of things wrong with the picture, however it was taken with a 70-300 telephoto lens whilst I was walking along to keep pace with the critter. I can't get over how much detail is picked up by digital cameras. In the full size version of this picture you can make out the structure of individual feathers.


Originally uploaded by Ben Mottram

This is a "Ben" type picture. A harsh contrast between man and nature. The dendritic branches imitating lightning; lightning which is parcelled up and fed to peoples houses by the pylon behind.


Originally uploaded by Ben Mottram

This was taken on Friday 4th April as I sat in the mist waiting for the Water Board to turn up. They sent a man with a broken laptop, no local knowledge and a distinct lack of common sense to find the field in which I was sitting. Back to the picture - a classic expose/focus recompose shot.

I have another picture, of nearly the same scene, letting the camera work out the exposure but everything shows up too white and the mist is reduced in intensity. I like the under exposure of the trees and tree guards and the white dot which is the sun


Originally uploaded by Ben Mottram

This is a picture of stuff at my parents house. You are looking at the inside of the front door. Really. My father is a master at saving things just in case and indeed of storing said items in a seemingly random way. I am sure he has a system there somewhere, but I am not sure if he can remember it these days.

Loads of Pictures on Flickr

Well there will be some just not yet - possibly tonight.

I took lots and lots of pictures over the weekend, some of which are reasonable, some are good, others are pants. If I remember I will post the snap of a duck I took whilst walking along - even though I managed to crop bits of the animal the detail available in the feathers is nothing short of astounding - but then it was taken whilst I was walking along with the 70-300mm lens on the camera.

See you all later (all two of my readers that is!)
